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this gam is not bad but in the mines it becomes very obvious how annoying collision detection bugs can be.
for example:
bat flying on top of my hat, me unable to run away or even attack it cause it's right above me, the bat basically pushing my character into the ground.
only pressing R can save me.
(you should probably, instead of having the bat try to sit on top of the players position, have it dash through the player or something)

then the second pole.
after you tnt climb your way up that cliff, there is a pole held up in the air by 2 dinamites upstairs.
you wouldnt believe how many times I got too close to the pole,  sliding into that little indention in the ground where later the top of the pole will fit in. and be basically stuck. cause the charater is too fat ans is stuck between the pole and the ground. jyet not touching the ground with his feet, so he cant jump out or sanything. cant even shoot the dinamite upstairs cause I would need to aim straight up and that makes the characters jsut switch between looking left  and right at high speeds.

one time when stuck there I managed to push the pole out to the right, it glitching through all kinds of stuff and basically blocking the path onwards.
both cases only R coiuld help.

so yeah, I didnt get much further than that right now since one of the many things like that stops me each time :-/

I know this is probably about a month and a half too late, but I just posted a patch that (should've) fixed the mines (make bats less terrible and stop the poles from rotating when walking into em)

I've been meaning to get back to this game and patch it up specifically because of this comment and I finally got around to it plus some other stuff. Sorry it took so long and thanks for the comment!